Tag Archives: Rod Blagojevich

What do Rod Blagojevich and Jeff Skilling have in common?

Umm, let’s see. One was the CEO of Enron who made sixty MILLION dollars selling stock in advance of his company’s catastrophic implosion around the turn of the century.

I am very mean-spirited, today.  He earned $60 million selling stock in a company he helped destroy.  I played DG in his new back yard!

I am very mean-spirited, today. He earned $60 million selling stock in a company he helped destroy. I played DG in his new back yard!

The other was the Governor of the state of Illinois whose fetish for hair-care became a national punchline when he fell under investigation for attempting to sell the state Senate seat left vacant by Barack Obama.

Remember this one?  I had forgotten until I ended up in his back yard with some guys from Foothill Flyers!

Remember this one? I had forgotten until I ended up in his back yard with some guys from Foothill Flyers!

Jerks? probably, I never met either of them.

Psychotic megalomaniacs? likely so. Still, not where I’m going with this one…

Self-absorbed, money-addicted, powerful white men whose regard for others clearly was eclipsed by their own delusions of grandeur? Oh, yeah. That’s what I was trying to say by calling them psychotic megalomaniacs. So, nope, that’s not what they have in common.

Jeff and Rod live together in a cozy Federal Correctional Institution in Englewood, Colorado! Right in their back yard is Schaefer Disc Golf Course.

While they ran the dishwasher in the dining hall, or read their mail for the third time, or slept, or whatever the hell they get to do in a Low Security Federal Correctional Institution, I played a round of 18 holes at this old-school park located near Kipling and Hampden. Came out even, thank you very much, but I still left with a green tag in my pocket. They had to follow their guards’ orders. Sleep tight, jerkoffs!